What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a form of manual therapy which is focused on the spine and neuro-musculoskeletal system, with specific regard to how related conditions can impact overall health and physical performance. The restoration of normal body function can positively impact your pain levels, and may boost recovery from some types of injuries and accidents.
Chiropractic care also treats the inadequate or incorrect function of spinal joints, which can lead to irritation of the nerves which control posture and movement and result in discomfort or pain.
How Chiropractic Can Help
Chiropractic treatments consist of a broad range of manipulation techniques which are intended to improve your joint function; this includes relief from pain and muscle spasms. Treatments are focused on specific areas of your body, such as individual joints, rather than broad areas. The intent of this is to pinpoint the exact area where treatment is needed, with the understanding that dysfunction and pain in surrounding areas can be alleviated through manual therapy in that area. Other treatments which may be included in your chiropractic care include mobilisation, ultrasounds, interferential therapy, and soft tissue techniques such as trigger point therapy, active release technique, myofascial release, and massage.
Your chiropractor is trained in the assessment of your neuro-musculoskeletal system, and will be able to identify imbalances, restrictions, and dysfunction therein and recommend a course of treatment that is specific to your needs. Sometimes this may include modalities provided by other professionals such as physiotherapy or medication. Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive, safe, comfortable, and may provide relief from pain. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help to improve your posture, health, and sports performance.
Finally, a chiropractor’s responsibility is to evaluate your physical needs in order to determine whether or not chiropractic therapies are appropriate for you. If an underlying condition that may preclude safe chiropractic care or one which needs attention from a GP or specialist is present, your chiropractor will confer with your GP with your permission in order to provide an appropriate referral for medical care.

Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions and answers about Chiropractic
What's the difference between chiropractic care, physiotherapy and osteopathy?
The element of chiropractic care which sets it apart from other therapies is its specific focus on the spine, nervous system, and the body’s capacity for self-healing. Chiropractic care seeks underlying causes rather than treating symptoms only, and has the potential to restore better function and prevent future issues.
What is a subluxation?
This term refers to a dysfunction in one of your spinal joints, which can cause interference to your nervous system. This interference can have far-reaching effects, including pain, changes in sensation, and organ function issues.
How many visits will I require?
This depends on your goals; those looking for relief from discomfort may feel better after one treatment, but may still need months of weekly visits in order to maintain adjustments and reassess progress. If an underlying issue is being treated with chiropractic care, your visits may span a few months or a few years. Anyone who finds their health, energy, and vitality to be restored through chiropractic treatment and wishes to prevent future dysfunction is encouraged to look to an ongoing plan of care.
Are chiropractic adjustments painful? Are they safe?
Chiropractic adjustments are intended to offer relief, not pain! You might liken it to a burden being lifted, as treatments are gentle and carefully performed in order to take away pain rather than cause it. They are also statistically safer than many other things we do in a regular basis, like taking an aspirin. Another point of reassurance: your chiropractor will not administer a treatment if they feel that your discomfort is being triggered by an underlying condition or medical issue. Instead, they will confer with your general practitioner in order to obtain appropriate referrals when appropriate.
Will I receive treatment on my first visit?
Your first visit will include a consultation, as well as an examination that will include a detailed medical history as well as a chronicle of your day-to-day activities. In may cases, treatment will be available immediately. For your safety, in some cases, an x-ray, MRI, or consult with your general practitioner may be required to consider safe chiropractic care; this can delay treatment by a day or two.
How long will it take for me to feel relief?
This isn’t a question for which a specific answer can be given, as each individual, situation, and treatment plan is different. Notably, plans of care are suggested by chiropractors based on their experience with your specific issue, and ongoing care tends to have the most significant results.
Is chiropractic a regulated practice?
Yes, just as your general practitioners and specialists must all be governed by a body, the General Chiropractic Council regulates the chiropractic profession in the UK. As of 14 June 01, it is illegal to use the title of Chiropractor without first registering with the GCC.